Beating Procrastination As A Freelancer

Beat Procrastination

Step 1: Recognize That You’re Procrastinating

Step 2: Work Out WHY You’re Procrastinating

Step 3: Adopt Anti-Procrastination Strategies


Wake up earlier in the mornings and target the list of things you want to accomplish in the day. I find it best to have my list written out the night before, that way I start the day with clear goals that starves the procrastination monkey from the get go.


Highlight which task are the most important and which can be allowed to be carried over, should you not have enough time to complete that task today. I like to get the tasks that I find least pleasant out of the way early. This gives me the rest of the day to focus on job-tasks that I find more enjoyable.


Careful juggle the most important tasks with those that will only take a couple of minutes to complete. As soon as you’ve completed a quick task, cross it out from your list and immediately continue with the next task at hand. Do not go and make yourself a cup of coffee en tea every time you complete one, you’ve already received your dopamine shot by crossing the task off the list! That being said, I do reward myself for completing big task, especially the crappy ones. 🙂


Clear your work space to ensure that you keep your focus on the task at hand rather than getting distracted. Also turn off your email, social media, notifications, and avoid sitting anywhere near a television while you work!.


Setting yourself specific goals or deadlines to complete tasks will keep you on track to achieve your goals, and will mean that you have no time for procrastination!

The Flip

If you are someone who thrives under pressure then active procrastination might be something for you to try. Research shows that “active procrastination” – that is, deliberately delaying getting started on a task or project so you can focus on other urgent tasks – This can make you feel more “challenged” and motivated to get things done.

Beating Procrastination As A Freelancer
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